Fed Up With the Question, "What's for Dinner?"


Fed Up With the Question, "What's for Dinner?"

It's probably that creepy phrase  many Americans hear at home from time to time: "What are we eating?" I know I'm not the only one, and all I can say is that dinnertime is fun and not a chore should be. Once cooking becomes a chore, take all the love out of food. For what? People expect it.Once you change course, you can send a shockwave through people, and not in the best sense. 

 People expect you to offer a dish instead of offering possible suggestions. As for me, I would like to take another subject during the week. Sorry, I'm not someone who can cook  or eat the same thing every  day. For those  who can, more power to you but not to me.It might be Italian one day, Mexican the next, then American, maybe Chinese, there's pizza and  many other ethnicities that people can think of. The difficult thing about cooking is that your job (yes, cooking is a job) is underestimated. No one wants to be a slave in the kitchen after an 8-10 hour work day. However, having someone suck and moan after putting food on the table is brutal. Sometimes you just want to yell at that person or throw their food in their face.

 Hey, you're not happy with what's created, guess what you can cook with your meal then. Show some gratitude to the person who took the time to feed you. However, there are ways to answer that dreaded question by hiring a different person to cook dinner every day of the week. And when the whole family is involved in the process, cooking becomes even more fun. Especially when it comes to children.If you start cooking kids  early, they will become more and more interested in it. My granddaughters love to cook, especially when they're doing things they hate like prep work. In the kitchen, chopping, tidying, etc. take up  the most time. 

 prep jobs are the  worst people and I don't care what anybody says cut this and cut this and move this and shake that and move this and measure that  are the things that really are  an absolute killer , when it comes to cooking, and I don't care what anyone says. If they say, "Oh, slicing onions, carrots, garlic, celery, and potatoes is a piece of cake," tell them to ask the chef that question  and see what answer they get.

Even all  culinary titans who may not have formal schooling but are home cooks should take a day or two off during the week. Order takeout or eat out. Yes, it really is  better to cook at home than  eat out for budget and health reasons, but sometimes you just need a break, even if it's only once or twice a day a week. So the stove,  sink and  kitchen can rest. The beauty of cooking is that it should be fun.The moment pleasure turns to fear, don't put love in that food, and that will be clear to those who eat everything you've created.
